Scheduled for Construction – Spring 2025

Redevelopment of Pyramid Apartments – 5360 – 204th Street

 Contact Tenant Relocation Coordinator, Tanya Baertl, REMI Realty Inc.

Telephone Number: 604-530-9944
Email: [email protected]

Upcoming City Council Meeting Dates

November 18, 2024 Bylaw First & Second Reading
December 2, 2024 Third Reading
December 9, 2024 Anticipated Final Adoption

Pyramid Apartments Tenant Information Meetings

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Financial Compensation to Tenants

Financial Compensation provided by Whitetail Homes Ltd. shall be provided based on length of tenancy as follows: Compensation is to be paid out no later than termination of tenancy;

Length of Tenancy Compensation
Up to 5 years tenancy: 4 months notice (as per RTA) plus 2 months rent;
6 to 10 years tenancy: 4 months notice (as per RTA) plus 3 months rent;
11 to 15 years tenancy: 4 months notice (as per RTA) plus 4 months rent;
16 to 20 years tenancy: 4 months notice (as per RTA) plus 5 months rent;
Over 20 years tenancy: 4 months notice (as per RTA) plus 8 months rent.
RTA-Residential Tenancy Act  

Moving Expenses

Whitetail Homes Ltd. shall pay up to $750.00 for a one-bedroom unit, up to $1,000.00 for a two-bedroom unit, and $1,250.00 for a three-bedroom unit, for an insured moving company to relocate existing tenants into alternative accommodation, or provide an equivalent flat rate payment.

First Right of Refusal to Tenants

Whitetail Homes Ltd. are proposing both strata titled tenure and rental units on the subject property, and will provide all displaced tenants returning as renters with a rent set at 20% below market rental rate. For tenants returning as purchasers, these tenants will be offered a 5% discount of the strata purchase price to qualified buyers purchasing a new unit in this development, or another Whitetail Homes development project.

Vulnerable Tenants

Whitetail Homes Ltd. is committed to providing additional support for vulnerable tenants in accordance with City Policy CO-81. This will be assessed on an individual basis as part of the Occupancy Report.

Vulnerable tenants are defined as those:

with disabilities that have a recognized disability pension or are considered disabled for income tax purposes, and/or seniors aged 55 or older, as per BC Housing definitions;

who qualify for deep subsidy and Rent Geared to Income (RGI) units, according to BC Housing eligibility criteria; and

who are currently paying monthly rent that is equivalent to or less than average month rents for RGI units in the City.

The following financial compensation shall be provided to vulnerable tenants (this supersedes financial compensation noted above);

If a vulnerable tenant is relocated to a non-market, subsidized unit: 4 months rent for tenants with tenancies up to 15 years, 5 month rent for 16-20 years, and 8 months rent for over 20 years; and

If a vulnerable tenant is relocated to a rental unit that is not a non-market, subsidized unit: 8 months rent, regardless of tenancy length.



Subsidized Housing Complexes

BC Housing Listings where people can apply through the housing registry.  

Other Relevant Links

City of Langley Staff Contact:

Carl Johannsen
Director of Development Services
604-514-2815 or [email protected]

Langley City Council



[email protected]

Langley City Councillors


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Delaney MACK

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Rosemary WALLACE

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